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Dalian Keente Pump Co., Ltd

Work time: Mon.- Sat.: 8:00-17:00 (Beijing Time GMT+8)

Company phone: +86-0411-86734782 86735891

Company Fax: +86-0411-86734782

Company email: [email protected]

Company Zip Code: 116039

Company Address: Qiange Industrial Park, Xinzhaizi Street, Ganjingzi District, Dalian City, Liaoning Province

Production capacity

2023-04-06 10:56:33
Production capacity

The company has a complete set of procedures required for pump production such as casting, machining, pump assembly, performance testing, painting, and packaging. The current production capacity has reached more than 5,000 sets/year. The production workshop is divided into casting workshop, machining workshop and assembly workshop. The machining workshop has more than 200 sets of various processing equipment. All kinds of assembly and testing equipment are complete. The machining and assembly capabilities are at a relatively good level in China.


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